Jump Rope Exercises For Burning Fat and Keeping Fit

The 10 Best Jump Rope Exercises For Burning Fat and Keeping Fit

9 min read


06 Sep 2024

Grab your cheat sheet…

  1. The Benefits of Jump Rope
  2. The 10 best jump rope exercises
  3. How to choose the right jump rope
  4. Jump rope workout routine
  5. Level up your jump rope workout

Once seen as a high-energy playground activity, jump rope has become a staple in the fitness world—and for good reason. 

It’s simple. It’s effective. And it offers a high-intensity workout that can be tailored to all fitness levels.

All in all, it’s a solid choice for burning fat, building endurance, and improving overall fitness. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned athlete, adding jump rope exercises to your routine can help you achieve your fitness goals faster. 

This is why we’re sharing our favourite jump rope exercises, serving up top tips on choosing the right rope—and giving you advice on putting together an effective jump rope workout routine.

Let’s hop to it.

The benefits of jump rope

man after exercising

Jump rope is more than just child's play. It's a full-body workout that engages multiple muscle groups, improves cardiovascular health, and burns a big-hitting number of calories in a short amount of time.

The American Council on Exercise (ACE) has conducted studies showing that a jump rope workout can burn between 10 to 16 calories per minute. To put that into perspective, running burns around 10 to 13 calories per minute, and cycling around eight to 12. 

So, jump rope is a high-intensity and extremely effective way of burning calories—perfect if you're on a fat-loss mission. 

Plus, jump rope exercises enhance coordination, agility, and balance while strengthening your core, legs, and upper body. 

Whether you're looking to lose weight, improve your fitness level, or add variety to your workout routine, jump rope is the way to go.

The 10 best jump rope exercises

So, what are you going to do?

Sure you can just go into the gym, or grab a rope and jump around—it will burn calories. But we like structure here! 

We’re all about providing the most effective exercises and helping you introduce variety to your workouts so that you don’t get bored and you keep progressing. 

So, we’ve rounded up some of our favourite jump rope-based exercises that you can weave into your routine to maximise fat burning and improve overall fitness.

And…have fun!

Winners all round.

1. Basic jump

The Basic Jump, a fundamental jump rope exercise, is the foundation of all other jumps. It’s most likely what you think about when you picture a jump rope.

It involves jumping over the rope with both feet together in a steady rhythm. Focus on landing softly on the balls of your feet to reduce impact on your joints.

Crazy technique tips…

  • Keep your elbows close to your body.
  • Use your wrists to turn the rope rather than your arms.
  • Jump just high enough to clear the rope (about one to two inches off the ground).
  • Maintain a straight posture with a slight bend in your knees.

2. High Knees

High Knees add an extra element of intensity to the Basic Jump by driving your knees up toward your chest with each jump. Even without the rope, this can be a tough exercise, but adding in the rope takes the intensity up a notch.

This exercise targets your core, hip flexors, and legs, and it significantly increases your heart rate.

Crazy technique tips…

  • Keep your back straight and engage your core.
  • Lift your knees as high as possible while maintaining a steady rhythm.
  • Alternate lifting each knee in sync with the rope's rotation.

3. Butt Kicks

man doing butt kicks exercise

Butt Kicks involve kicking your heels up towards your glutes as you jump, which helps improve flexibility and coordination. 

This exercise primarily works the hamstrings and glutes, and it can also be a great way to warm up before more intense exercises.

Crazy technique tips:

  • Keep your chest lifted and your core engaged.
  • Focus on a quick, light jump rather than height.
  • Maintain a steady pace, aiming for smooth transitions between each kick.

4. Double Unders

Oh, now it’s getting spicy!

Double Unders are an advanced jump rope exercise where the rope passes under your feet twice with each jump. This exercise requires precise timing, speed, and coordination, making it an excellent challenge for experienced jumpers.

Crazy technique tips…

  • Jump slightly higher than you would for a Basic Jump.
  • Spin the rope quickly using your wrists.
  • Keep your jumps consistent and controlled to avoid tripping on the rope.

5. Crossover Jumps

Crossover Jumps are taking it to the next level, and they enhance coordination and agility by adding a cross-arm motion into your jump rope routine. 

As you jump, cross your arms in front of your body and then return to the starting position on the next jump.

Crazy technique tips:

  • Start with a Basic Jump rhythm before adding the crossover.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body during the crossover.
  • Focus on timing and rhythm to ensure the rope clears your feet on each jump.

6. Side-to-Side Jumps

Side-to-Side Jumps work your lateral muscles and improve your agility by having you jump from side to side as you skip. 

This exercise is great for enhancing balance and coordination while also providing a dynamic cardio workout.

Crazy technique tips…

  • Shift your weight from side to side with each jump.
  • Keep your movements small and controlled to maintain balance.
  • Focus on a smooth transition between each side without losing your rhythm.

7. Single-Leg Hops

man doing leg hops

Single-Leg Hops are an excellent way to improve balance, stability, and lower body strength. This exercise involves jumping on one leg while keeping the other leg raised, alternating between legs after each set.

Crazy technique tips…

  • Keep your core engaged and your gaze forward.
  • Land softly on the ball of your foot to minimise impact.
  • Start with a few hops on each leg before switching to build endurance.

8. Boxer Step

The Boxer Step mimics the footwork used by boxers in training. It involves shifting your weight from one foot to the other while jumping, creating a quick and light movement. This exercise improves coordination and endurance.

Crazy technique tips:

  • Stay light on your feet and focus on a quick, rhythmic pace.
  • Shift your weight smoothly from one foot to the other.
  • Keep your hands close to your body and use minimal arm movement.

9. Skiers

Skiers involve jumping side to side while keeping your feet together, mimicking the motion of skiing. 

This exercise targets the lower body and engages the core, making it a great addition to a cardio-focused workout.

Crazy technique tips…

  • Keep your feet together as you jump from side to side.
  • Engage your core to stabilise your body during each jump.
  • Start with small jumps and gradually increase your lateral movement as you gain confidence.

10. Criss-Cross

The Criss-Cross is another advanced jump rope exercise that challenges your coordination. It involves crossing and uncrossing your arms with each jump, which requires precise timing and agility.

Crazy technique tips…

  • Begin with a steady Basic Jump before attempting the criss-cross.
  • Focus on crossing your arms at the right moment to avoid tripping on the rope.
  • Practise the arm movement without the rope to build muscle memory before combining it with jumps.

Read: What to do after a workout: 11 post-training tips

How to choose the right jump rope

man skipping

Sure, you can use any lying around. But to level up your workout (like we know you want), you’re going to want to choose the right skipping rope. 

Selecting the right jump rope is crucial for maximising your workout's effectiveness and avoiding injury. 

Here are some things to consider when choosing a jump rope…


The length of your jump rope should be proportional to your height. When you stand in the middle of the rope, the handles should reach up to your armpits. A rope that's too long or too short can disrupt your rhythm and make jumping more difficult.


The weight of the rope affects the intensity of your workout. Lighter ropes are ideal for speed and agility exercises, while heavier ropes provide a strength challenge and help build upper body endurance. Beginners may want to start with a medium-weight rope before progressing to a heavier option.


Jump ropes are made of various materials, including PVC, nylon, leather, and steel cable. PVC and nylon ropes are lightweight and suitable for speed exercises, while leather and steel cable ropes are more durable and provide a more challenging workout due to their heavier weight.

Crazy Nutrition recommendations for different fitness levels

  • Beginners: Start with a basic PVC or nylon rope that's lightweight and easy to handle. Focus on mastering basic jumps and gradually introduce more complex exercises as you build confidence.
  • Intermediate: As you progress, consider using a medium-weight rope made of leather or a thicker PVC material. To increase intensity, incorporate exercises like High Knees and Double Unders.
  • Advanced: For seasoned jumpers, a weighted rope or steel cable rope can add resistance and challenge your strength and endurance. Experiment with advanced techniques like Crossover Jumps and Criss-Cross to push your limits.

Jump rope workout routine

Woman doing skipping rope exercise

You can weave jump rope exercises into your workout routine in various ways, depending on your fitness goals and time constraints. 

Here are some sample workout routines to help you get the most out of the above exercise.

HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)

HIIT workouts involve alternating between periods of intense exercise and brief rest periods. A jump rope HIIT routine could include 30 seconds of intense jumping (e.g., Double Unders or High Knees) followed by 15 seconds of rest. 

Repeat this cycle for 20 to 30 minutes for a fat-burning cardio session.

Circuit training

Circuit training combines jump rope exercises with other bodyweight movements for a full-body workout. 

For example, you could perform one minute of Basic Jumps, followed by one minute of push-ups, one minute of Side-to-Side Jumps, and 1 minute of squats. 

Repeat the circuit three to four times for a balanced workout.

Interval training

Interval training alternates between different jump rope exercises to target various muscle groups and keep your workout engaging. 

For example, perform one minute of High Knees, one minute of Butt Kicks, and one minute of Single-Leg Hops, followed by one minute of rest.

 Repeat for 15 to 20 minutes.

Top tips for progression and increasing intensity…

  • Increase the duration of each exercise or the overall workout time as you build endurance.
  • Add more complex exercises like Double Unders or Criss-Cross to challenge your coordination.
  • Incorporate resistance by using a weighted rope or adding ankle weights to your routine.
  • Reduce rest periods between exercises to maintain a higher heart rate and burn more calories.

Level up your jump rope workout…

To get the most out of your jump rope workouts and avoid injury, it’s essential to have proper form and posture. 

Keep your elbows close to your body, your wrists relaxed, and use a slight bend in your knees to absorb the impact. 

Keeping this in mind, alongside our workout structure will ensure you’ll get a powerhouse workout from a simple piece of equipment that you can find in any playground (or gym).

To maximise your workout even further you’re going to want to fuel your body with the right sport nutrition supplements.

Our Crazy Nutrition range can help energise your body pre-workout, and fuel your post-workout recovery. Go get some.