How To Get Faster At Running

How To Get Faster At Running: What You Need To Know

8 min read


26 Aug 2024

Grab your cheat sheet…

  1. How to run faster: 10 essential tips
  2. How to measure your running speed
  3. Which factors determine your running speed?
  4. What are the best speed workouts?
  5. How to improve your running form?
  6. Level up your performance with Crazy Nutrition

Ready to leave your running plateau in the dust? 

Whether you're tired of seeing the same numbers on your stopwatch or dreaming of crushing your first 5k—this guide is your ticket to speedier strides. 

If you want to know how to get faster at running, we've got the insider tips and techniques that will transform your run from a steady jog to a lightning-fast dash. 

No more guesswork or frustrating trial and error—just straightforward, proven strategies to unleash your inner speed beast. 

Here, you’ll learn how to measure your running speed, what determines your running speed, and get 10 essential tips on how to run faster. 

So, lace up those shoes and get ready to rocket past your personal bests.

How to run faster: 10 essential tips

Now, let’s cut the fluff and get straight to it. Since you’ve landed on this page, we know you’re ready to elevate your running pace

It’s time to leave your old pace in the dust. Here, we’ll give you the essential tips on how to run faster.

Whether you’ve just started your running journey or you’ve been running for years, there are many things you can implement into your running routine to enhance your speed.

If you're aiming to dominate your local 5K or simply want to transform your daily jog into a heart-pumping sprint, these 10 tips will help you sculpt your perfect running form and fuel your journey to blazing speed.

1. Add interval training to your routine

Interval training is your secret weapon to torch calories and boost speed. Alternate between high-intensity bursts and recovery periods. 

Try 30 seconds of all-out effort followed by 60 seconds of easy jogging, repeating for 15 to 20 minutes.

2. Implement strength training

man lifting weights

Don't neglect those muscles! Squats, lunges, and workouts that engage your core muscles will build the power you need to propel yourself forward faster. Aim for two to three strength sessions per week to see your running performance soar.

3. Level up your running form

Efficiency is key. Keep your head up, shoulders relaxed, and arms at a 90-degree angle. Avoid overstriding and focus on a quick, light foot strike. Small tweaks can lead to big gains.

4. Gradually increase your mileage

Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is speed endurance. Add about 10% to your weekly mileage to challenge yourself without risking injury. 

Your body will thank you for the gradual build-up. Whether you’re prepping for a 5k run or a half marathon, gradually building up to your distance goal will give your body time to adjust.

5. Work on your flexibility and mobility

A limber body is a faster body. Incorporate dynamic stretches before your run and static stretches after. Don't forget about those often neglected hip flexors and calves.

6. Elevate your nutrition

healthy foods

Fuel your speed with the right nutrients. Load up on complex carbs, lean proteins, and healthy fats. 

Try a banana with peanut butter before a run and a protein-packed smoothie after to replenish your energy stores.

7. Be consistent

Consistency is the name of the game. Set a realistic training program and stick to it. Even on days when motivation is low, remember that every run is a step towards your goals.

8. Improve your sleep and get good rest

Prioritise recovery and rest. Rest days are when the magic happens. Allow your body to repair and grow stronger. Embrace foam rolling, get a massage, and get in those precious Zs. 

9. Use proper footwear and gear

Your feet are your foundation. Invest in shoes that support your unique running style and replace them every 400 to 500 miles. Moisture-wicking clothes will keep you comfortable as you push your limits.

10. Monitor your progress

Knowledge is power. Keep a running journal or use a tracking app to log your runs. Celebrate your improvements, no matter how small, and use the data to fine-tune your training plan.

Remember, speed doesn't happen overnight, but with these tips, you'll be well on your way to smashing your personal records. 

So lace up those shoes, hit the pavement, and get ready to fly.

How to measure your running speed

woman timing her running

While the task can initially seem daunting, tracking your pace is crucial to elevate your running game.

Here, you can learn how to be fearless and empower yourself to take charge of your progress monitoring with these techniques.

Using a stopwatch or timer

Start simple with a stopwatch. Choose a set distance, like a mile, and time yourself from start to finish. 

Ensure consistent start and end points for accuracy. Always warm up before timing to avoid skewed results from cold muscles.

Running apps and wearables

Harness technology with apps like Strava or Nike Run Club. These tools use GPS to track distance, pace, and route. 

Fitness trackers and smartwatches offer real-time data on your wrist. Learn to interpret metrics like average pace, splits, and heart rate to fine-tune your training.

Track and field methods

A standard 400m track is perfect for precise measurements. One lap equals a quarter mile, making it easy to calculate your pace for various distances. 

Use the marked lanes to maintain a consistent path and compare your times accurately across sessions.

Setting baselines and goals

Get to grips with your current fitness level by recording your average pace over several runs. Use this baseline to set realistic speed goals. 

Aim for gradual improvements, like shaving 10 seconds off your mile time each month. Regular assessments will help you adjust your targets and celebrate your progress.

By mastering these measurement techniques, you'll have a clear picture of your running performance and a solid foundation for improvement. 

Remember: Every runner's journey is unique, so go for what suits you and make a personalised plan that helps you achieve your speed goals.

Which factors determine your running speed?

woman spirting

Unlocking your full running potential isn't just about putting one foot in front of the other. A complex interplay of factors influences how fast you can excel.

Understanding these elements can help you transform your training, sculpt a more efficient running form, and ultimately dominate your personal bests. 

Let's dive into the key factors that determine your running speed…

  • Genetics: Your natural predisposition for muscle fiber types, and body composition.
  • Training consistency: Regular, structured workouts to build endurance and speed.
  • Running efficiency: Your stride length and arm swing.
  • Muscle strength: The power in your legs, core, and upper body.
  • Cardiovascular fitness: Heart and lung capacity to deliver oxygen to muscles.
  • Body weight: Lighter runners generally have an advantage in speed.
  • Nutrition: Proper fueling before, during, and after your runs.
  • Rest and recovery: Allowing your body to adapt and grow stronger.
  • Mental toughness: Ability to push through discomfort and maintain focus.
  • Environmental factors: Temperature, humidity, terrain, and altitude.

In summary, your running speed is influenced by a combination of innate physical traits, dedicated training, proper technique, and external conditions. 

By focusing on the factors within your control—like consistent training, form improvement, strength building, and optimal nutrition—you can elevate your performance and reach new speed milestones.

Read: How To Improve Exercise Motivation

What are the best speed workouts?

man running

Incorporate speed workouts into your routine to train your body in a way where you can become a faster runner, running longer distances, with good form. 

Let’s get into the best speed workouts that can get 

Interval training: Short, high-intensity bursts followed by rest periods. For example, 400m sprints with 90-second rest intervals.

Fartlek runs: Swedish for "speed play," these mix fast and slow paces in a single run. You might sprint between lamp posts, then jog to recover.

Tempo runs: Sustained efforts at a "comfortably hard" pace, usually for 20 to 40 minutes.

Hill repeats: Running up a hill at high intensity, then jogging back down. This builds power and speed simultaneously.

Pyramid workouts: Gradually increasing then decreasing intensity. For instance: 200m, 400m, 800m, 400m, 200m with rest between each.

Strides: 100m accelerations done after an easy run to improve form and turnover.

Progressive runs: Starting slow and gradually increasing pace throughout the run.

30-20-10 intervals: 30 seconds easy, 20 seconds moderate, 10 seconds all-out sprint, repeated for five minutes.

The "best" workout depends on your current fitness level, goals, and the race you're training for. 

It's important to add a mix of these workouts into your training plan to transform your speed and elevate your performance.

Related: How To Get Energy Before Your Workout

What exactly is speed training?

Speed training is simple but can be hard to fully grasp—so let’s break it down. Imagine your running is like a car. 

Speed training is when you rev up that engine and push it to go faster than your usual cruising speed. It's about teaching your body to surge forward with more power and efficiency.

When you do speed training, you're basically telling your muscles, heart, and lungs to step up their game. 

You're pushing yourself to run at a pace that makes you breathe hard, and your legs burn— but only for short bursts. It's like hitting the nitro button in a racing game.

How to improve your running form

man running up hill

If you’re ready to ignite your running passion and propel yourself to new heights, here's how to improve your running form.

Start by focusing on your posture…keep your head up, shoulders relaxed, and back straight. Engage your core to maintain stability and prevent fatigue. Let your arms swing naturally at your sides, with elbows bent at a 90-degree angle—propelling you forward with each stride. 

Pay attention to your foot strike, aiming to land softly on the midfoot, which can reduce impact and boost efficiency. Gradually increase your cadence, aiming for around 180 steps per minute to enhance your speed and endurance. 

With these adjustments, you'll soon find yourself running smoother, faster, and with more joy. This will ignite a newfound enthusiasm that will carry you through every run, helping you thrive and push beyond your limits.

Level up your performance with Crazy Nutrition 

Ready to enhance your performance and take your running game to the next level? Our ultimate supplement stacks are here to fuel your journey.

Packed with top-tier nutrients and designed for peak performance, these stacks are what you need to annihilate your goals and feel amazing.

Whether you're bulking up, cutting, enhancing your performance or boosting your overall health— we've got the perfect combo for you. Explore now and unlock your full potential.

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